High Rate Data (IQ)

=============================== iqdef.txt ===================================
This file defines the columns of data in the iq.log files produced by the GRID
software receiver. The iq.log files contain high-rate in-phase and quadrature
accumulation and beat carrier phase data. See channeldef.txt for definitions
of RRT and ORT. Time stamps in RRT and ORT correspond to the end of the
interval over which each in-phase and quadrature accumulation was computed.

Column Quantity

1 ----------- RRT week number.

2 ----------- RRT seconds of week.

3 ----------- ORT week number.

4 ----------- ORT whole seconds of week.

5 ----------- ORT fractional second.

6 ----------- Beat carrier phase in cycles (changes in the same sense as
doppler, increasing for an approaching satellite) at the
specified RRT and ORT.

7 ----------- In-phase accumulation over the accumulation interval ending at
the specified RRT and ORT, in receiver front-end units.

8 ----------- Quadrature accumulation over the accumulation interval ending at
the specified RRT and ORT, in receiver front-end units.

9 ----------- Data bit (0 or 1) in effect over the accumulation interval
ending at the specified RRT and ORT.

10 ---------- Signal type:
0 GPS_L1_CA // GPS L1 legacy civil code
1 GPS_L2_CM // GPS L2 civil M code
2 GPS_L2_CL // GPS L2 civil L code
3 GPS_L2_CLM // GPS L2 M+L combined tracking
4 GPS_L5_I // GPS L5 civil in-phase
5 GPS_L5_Q // GPS L5 civil quadrature
6 GPS_L5_IQ // GPS L5 civil I+Q combined tracking
7 GPS_L1_CA_ALT1 // GPS L1 C/A for alternative L1C bank
8 CDMA_UHF_PILOT // Cellular CDMA pilot, I+Q signal
9 CDMA_UHF_SYNC // Cellular CDMA pilot+sync, I+Q signal

11 ---------- Transmitter identification number (TXID).

