
============================ scintdef.txt ===================================
This file defines the columns of data in the scint.log files produced by the
GRID software receiver. Each scint.log file contains time-stamped
scintillation measurements. See channeldef.txt for a definition of ORT. ORT
time stamps indicate approximately the time at which the measurement interval
ends. Phase-derived measurements are formed by comparison with a reference
channel. All channels are referenced to reference channel 1 except for
reference channel 1, which is referenced to reference channel 2.

Column Quantity

1 ----------- ORT week number.

2 ----------- ORT whole seconds of week.

3 ----------- ORT fractional second.

4 ----------- Measurement interval length in seconds.

5 ----------- S4 for the whole interval.

6 ----------- S4 for the first half of the interval.

7 ----------- S4 for the second half of the interval.

8 ----------- sigma phi for the whole interval in cycles.

9 ----------- sigma phi for the first half of the interval in cycles.

10 ---------- sigma phi for the second half of the interval in cycles.

11 ---------- tau0 for the whole interval in seconds. A tau0 value of -1
indicates that scintillation was too weak or too slow to enable
calculation of tau0.

12 ---------- SPR (scintillation power ratio) for the whole interval in dB.

13 ---------- Reference indicator:
0 Normal channel
1 Reference channel 1
2 Reference channel 2

14 ---------- Signal type:
0 GPS_L1_CA // GPS L1 legacy civil code
1 GPS_L2_CM // GPS L2 civil M code
2 GPS_L2_CL // GPS L2 civil L code
3 GPS_L2_CLM // GPS L2 M+L combined tracking
4 GPS_L5_I // GPS L5 civil in-phase
5 GPS_L5_Q // GPS L5 civil quadrature
6 GPS_L5_IQ // GPS L5 civil I+Q combined tracking
7 GPS_L1_CA_ALT1 // GPS L1 C/A for alternative L1C bank
8 CDMA_UHF_PILOT // Cellular CDMA pilot, I+Q signal
9 CDMA_UHF_SYNC // Cellular CDMA pilot+sync, I+Q signal

15 ---------- Transmitter identification number (TXID).

